Everything you need to know about Multi Channel eCommerce Integration

4 min readOct 11, 2023


If you’ve been in retail for any length of time, you’ve seen technology change the way we buy and sell. The rise of mobile-first purchasing, voice commerce and AI are just a few examples. But there’s arguably no bigger disruption than the movement towards multichannel ecommerce integration.

Multi-Channel Ecommerce allows you to manage your online store and physical store inventory in one place

Multi-channel ecommerce allows you to manage your online store and physical store inventory in one place. With multichannel integration, you can receive orders from ecommerce websites, marketplaces and ecommerce platforms.

  • You’ll be able to send order information back to your suppliers so that they can fulfil the order for you. This means less time spent managing inventory at each location and increased efficiency for everyone involved!

If you’re not already selling online, it’s time to start!

If you’re not already selling online, it’s time to start! By integrating your store with other channels like Amazon and eBay, you can reach more customers who are looking for your products. You can also generate more sales by improving customer engagement and making it easier for shoppers to buy from you.

You’ll also save money on shipping costs by leveraging existing delivery networks such as UPS or FedEx rather than setting up an internal logistics infrastructure from scratch.

You can use Multichannel Integration to receive orders from ecommerce websites, marketplaces, and even Ecommerce Platforms

Multi-channel integration is the process of connecting your ecommerce website with other channels. These other channels may include marketplaces, ecommerce platforms, and even brick-and-mortar stores that allow customers to purchase your products in store.

Multi-channel integration allows you to collect data from these sources as well as send orders through them so that you can offer a seamless experience for customers who want to buy from you across multiple touch points.

Here’s how to avoid common mistakes when integrating your stores

Here are some of the most common mistakes we see with multi channel ecommerce integration.

  • Make sure your website and store are mobile friendly.
  • Make sure you’re using the same payment processor.
  • Make sure you’re using the same shipping provider
  • If necessary, make sure that each store has its own inventory management software because some products may only be available on one or both platforms — and some products might not have inventory levels updated consistently across channels (so one channel could show out-of-stock while another still shows it as available).

To keep customer data standardised across all of your platforms, make sure that every channel uses the same account information.

To keep customer data standardised across all of your platforms, make sure that every channel uses the same account information. This will ensure that a customer’s purchase history is in one place and that they don’t have to re-enter their payment information when they move between platforms.

You can avoid this problem by setting up a central database with all of your ecommerce platforms’ data on it and having each platform pull from it whenever they need to display customer information.

Implement a single customer view across all channels, so that customer info is correct and up-to-date

  • Implement a single customer view across all channels, so that customer info is correct and up-to-date.
  • Use the same payment methods across all channels, so the customer doesn’t have to enter their payment details more than once.
  • Make sure you have a single delivery address for each customer in your inventory system, so that you can fulfil orders quickly and efficiently.

Multichannel ecommerce is the future of retail

Multi channel ecommerce is the future of retail, and you should be integrating your online store with your physical store inventory.

Multi channel ecommerce integration allows you to manage your online store and physical store inventory in one place. This means that if someone buys something at the physical location, it can be automatically added to their shopping cart on the website or vice versa.


With the rise of ecommerce, it’s clear that consumers are changing their buying behaviours and expectations. The ability to shop for a product across multiple channels and platforms is becoming more important than ever before — and with good reason! This means more sales opportunities for retailers who invest in multichannel integration today because tomorrow could be too late!




Written by OnePatch

One stop destination to manage, integrate with many popular Ecommerce CMSs to make moving your products from your marketplace to your own store, onepatch.com

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